Friday, November 18, 2011


East Austin Studio tour is finishing off tomorrow and Sunday. It started last weekend and was a great success! This is my first showing in Austin and the reviews have been great. I painted two new pieces to add to series (sort of last minute) but people seemed to really like them. I'm loving Austin so much! I can't wait to start collaborating with people here.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Internal Conflict

I have finally finished my thesis! I am so excited! I am really excited about this series and where it is going... super excited. I'll post some pictures from my iphone and then on Monday, after I get professional pictures taken, I'll post some good ones.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ryan Mcginley

TOday I had to present an artist research for Photography. I chose Ryan Mcginley. He is a great American photographer who really shows the freedom, liberation, and spirit of today's youth....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Past work

Strawberry (my new devil dog) ate my mac charger so I haven't had much opportunity to post more on this blog... I'm just going to upload a lot of pictures of my art for the next couple days just to get them on here then I'll keep it going with inspirations and artworks that I am currently working on..

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sculpture and Photography

I am finishing my sculpture project today. It is a wooden piece resembling a spiral staircase. I'm still deciding how to paint it, but I need to hurry and decide because it is due at 2!

I have to shoot a photography project that is due Wednesday! I have to 'beautify manmade objects'... any ideas? When I shot this project last semester I photographed bubbles.

Instead of working... I'm watching art21 for inspiration. Classic case of procrastination.